Sydhavn Station

March-April 2016
Sydhavn Station, Copenhagen, DK

Patricia Esquivia, Lindsey White and Jonn Herschend

Curated by Heidi Pedersen

Sydhavn Station is a suburban commuter train station in Copenhagen. It’s an unremarkable train station except that it has an artist run art gallery inside, which makes the train station remarkable. I was invited by Heidi Pedersen to create a work for the station and decided to create a site specific fiction about longing.

The narrative involves Mark, a man who works for a corporation that creates Train Station awards. By placing Sydhavn as a finalist for this award, he is hoping to capture the attention of Lisa, a woman with whom he once had an affair, and who potentially lives close to the station and will see that his intentions are real… if not slightly misguided.

The installation involves an Official Train Station Song and Music Video (music written and produced by Silas Hite, and lyrics by Jonn Herschend), 4 vinyl banners, a brochure, promotional buttons, and two cakes, all of which try to capture Lisa’s attention.

The Official Song for the Sydhavn Train Station was created for the 2016 exhibition entitled Tourist, which took place at the Sydhavn Train Station and was curated by Heidi Hove. Video produced by Jonn Herschend. Music written and Performed by Silas Hite with Lyrics by Jonn Herschend. Featuring the acting/dancing skills of Mikkel Rygaard, Milla Dalsgaard, and Nicolai Jandorf.

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